Pakistan Health Sites
This data set shows the list of operating health facilities in Pakistan. The following attributes are included: Name, Nature of Facility, Activities, Lat and Long. -
Sindh Education Statistics
This database contains curated data for district wise information on the number of institutions, teaching staff and enrollment characterized by gender, school type and location.... -
Pakistan Food Prices
This data set contains food prices data for Pakistan. Food prices data is from the World Food Programme and covers foods such as maize, rice, beans, fish, and sugar. Price...- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Population Stats (1998 Census)
This data set describes population characteristics by sex, sex ratio, area, population density, religion , household size etc as reported by the 1998 population census. -
Pakistan Demographic and Health Data
The DHS Program Application Programming Interface (API) provides software developers access to aggregated indicator data from The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program....- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Land Degradation in Pakistan
This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Pakistan in 2017. Data source: ESA (300m...- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Brick Kilns Census Punjab
Chief Minister Punjab took an initiative in Punjab to eradicate child labor at brick kilns in wake of the prohibition of child labor from Punjab Province. The Urban Unit started...- URL
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Airports in Pakistan
List of airports in Pakistan, with latitude and longitude. Unverified community data from CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Indicators For Pakistan
It contains data from the World Bank's data portal on Economic, Social, Environmental, Health, Education, Development and Energy indicators of Pakistan. These indicators show...- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Interest Rates 2011-2019
This data set contains Pakistan's interest rate (monthly from the year 2011 to 2019) statistics as collected and reported by State Bank of Pakistan. -
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2017-18
The Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey PDHS 2017-18 was the fourth of its kind in Pakistan, following the 1990-91, 2006-07, and 2012-13 PDHS surveys. The primary objective...- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Trade in Goods and Services (BOP)
This data set contains Pakistan's trade statistics such as the export receipts and import payments collected by State Bank of Pakistan.- XLS
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Pakistan Health Facilities
ALHASAN SYSTEMS makes Pakistan Government Health Facilities data public through HDX under its Open Data/ Open Access [OD/OA] pioneering initiative. This data is used thoroughly...- RAR
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Provincial / Regional Constituency Boundaries, Pakistan
Provincial/ Regional Constituency Boundaries of Pakistan compiled by ALHASAN SYSTEMS Private Limited as one of its R&D projects and in the public interest.- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Monetary Statistics
This data set contains Pakistan's monetary statistics as collected and reported by State Bank of Pakistan.- XLS
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Financial and Economic Data [Karandaaz Data Portal]
This database provides access to financial data to decision makers through a wide range of sources, with the overall objective of promoting financial inclusion in Pakistan. The...- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Monetary and Financial Statistics
This data set contains Pakistan's monetary and financial statistics based on IMF format as collected and reported by State Bank of Pakistan. -
Exchange Rates
This data set contains Pakistan's exchange rate statistics as collected and reported by State Bank of Pakistan. -
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 1990-91
The DHS Program Application Programming Interface (API) provides software developers access to aggregated indicator data from The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program.... -
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2012-13
The DHS Program Application Programming Interface (API) provides software developers access to aggregated indicator data from The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program.... -
Pakistan External Debt
This database contains debt statistics that provide a detailed picture of the external debt of Pakistan to enable us to better understand the financial burden on our economy....- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
District Wise Electrification through Solar Energy KPK
District wise number of villages electrified through solar energy in KP from 2016 to 2019. The file contains the following information: 1 Districts 2 Year 3 Number of Villages 4...- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
MICS Punjab 2017-2018
The sample for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) Punjab, 2017-18 was designed to provide estimates for a large number of indicators on the situation of children and... -
Economic Growth Indicators
Economic growth is central to economic development. When national income grows, real people benefit. While there is no known formula for stimulating economic growth, data can...- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Education Indicators
This data provides a true picture of the educational resources specific to students and teachers in Pakistan.- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Farmers Training KPK
This data set provides a list of the total number of farmers trained for Cooperative Farming in Districts of KP over the years 2016 to 2019.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) Pakistan 2017 - Combined Hazard
This layer contains information about the reclassification of the natural shocks risk (floods and drought) into a single combined score according to the Integrated Context...- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Pakistan - Population of Major Cities
This provincial level data provides population statistics for major cities of Pakistan.- XLS
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Pakistan - Polling Stations
Polling Station of Pakistan compiled by ALHASAN SYSTEMS Private Limited as one of its R&D projects and in the public interest. ALHASAN SYSTEMS made these Polling Station...- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Pakistan's Debt Profile
This data set contains Pakistan's latest debt profile such as the central government debt and gross external debt collected by State Bank of Pakistan. -
National Constituency Boundaries, Pakistan
National Constituency Boundaries of Pakistan compiled by ALHASAN SYSTEMS Private Limited as one of its R&D projects and in the public interest. ALHASAN SYSTEMS made these...- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Balance of Payment
This data set contains Pakistan's balance of payments statistics such as foreign currency deposits and foreign exchange reserves as reported by State Bank of Pakistan. -
KPK District Wise Electrification through MHP
KP District Wise Electrification of villages through MHP in 2019. The file contains the following information : 1 Districts 2 Number of Villages Electrified 3 Electricity...- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
MICS Punjab 2014
The sample for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) Punjab, 2014 was designed to provide estimates for a large number of indicators on the situation of children and... -
Foreign Investment
This data set contains Pakistan's latest foreign investment statistics such as the portfolio investment assets and inward direct investment collected by State Bank of Pakistan. -
Revenue Generation KPK
This data set provides a list of the total amount revenue generated in KP Districts in financial year from 2016 to 2019.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) Pakistan 2017 - Additional Hazards
This layer contains information about the additional environmental hazards - landslides, Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) and earthquakes - estimated during the Integrated...- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Education Facilities Inspection
It provides a list of the total number of Education facilities inspected by District Administration in KP Districts during years 2016 to 2019.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
MICS Gilgit-Baltistan 2016-2017
Gilgit-Baltistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2016-2017 was designed to provide estimates for the 3 divisions of Gilgit-Baltistan (Gilgit, Baltistan and Dimer,) as... -
Health facilities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa tribal districts
This dataset contains the geographic location of the health facilities located in the context of the FATA Health Department, WHO and OCHA- Pakistan. -
Current IATI aid activities in Pakistan
Live list of active aid activities for Pakistan shared via the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). Includes both humanitarian and development activities. More...- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Health Facilities Inspection KPK
This data set provides a list of the total number of Health facilities inspected by District Administration in KPK districts during years 2016 to 2019.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2006-07
The DHS Program Application Programming Interface (API) provides software developers access to aggregated indicator data from The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program.... -
Food Sample Assessment KPK
This data set provides a list of the total number of food samples taken for inspection and their results in KPK districts during 2016-2019.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Balochistan Educational Institutes
This geodata provides a picture of all the educational institutes in Balochistan by locating them on the Pakistan map.- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Medical Stores Inspection KPK
This data set provides a list of the total number of medical stores inspected in the reporting month 2016-2019 in KP districts.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
MICS Sindh 2014
The Sindh Multiple Cluster Indicator Survey (MICS) 2014 is part of MICS5, an international survey initiative to monitor the situation of children and women. Topics commonly... -
MICS Balochistan 2010
The Balochistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was conducted by the Planning and Development Department, Government of Balochistan in May through September 2010. The... -
Recurrence of Vulnerability to Food Insecurity, 2004-2014
This layer contains information about the risk of food insecurity according to the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in 2017. Given that no other food...- ZIP
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
MICS Punjab 2011
The sample for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) Punjab 2011 was designed by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), to provide estimates on a large number of indicators...