Datathon - Pakistan Data Weekend

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Datathon is postponed until further notice.

Datathon is powered by Open Data Pakistan and National Center in Big Data and Cloud Computing (NCBC) at LUMS together with Ignite under MoITT and National Incubation Center Lahore.

Pakistan Data Weekend competition aims to bring together coders, data enthusiasts, civic-minded designers, analysts, mappers and project managers to hunt, ideate, crunch and visualize - open and reusable, social, economic and environmental - data available through Open Data Pakistan.

We require participants to form solutions for pressing socioeconomic issues or for improved service delivery in Pakistan by:

  • Ideating and looking deep into data to produce meaningful analyses
  • Creating infographics, visualizations, and insights from the datasets to better understand data for the social good, as raw data is difficult to understand,
  • Determining what other data will be required for ideation and data insights  



  • To encourage participation in solving various issues by creating innovative solutions backed up by data.
  • To encourage the creation of useful tools and innovative applications using socioeconomic open data, which will be openly accessible for re-use.
  • To create a culture of creating and sharing data in good quality. 

Focus Areas (but not limited to):

  1. Quality of education and skill development 
  2. Health and wellbeing
  3. Energy consumption
  4. Cities and spatial growth
  5. Consumption and economic growth
  6. Public finance and governance
  7. Other 


  • Select results and data stories will be showcased online on
  • One dataset must be from Open Data Pakistan. All datasets must be about Pakistan.
  • The curated clean datasets should have non proprietary rights to be able to upload them on the online open data portal.