Brain Drain Sankey

Brain Drain Sankey

This sankey chart shows the intensity of people who emigrated from Pakistan to the following countries from 1970 to 2019.

Over the last two to three decades, the number of highly qualified and highly trained manpower from Pakistan has been moving. This number has been increasing rapidly due to a number of factors. Our analysis seems to focus concisely on the push and pull factors and by combining the two what actually leads to such a huge pool of people leaving their home country. Although, Pakistan enjoys the returns in form of remittances but do they outweigh the loss country faces in terms if real and qualified youth that’s much needed for a developing economy to prosper? What good does it to the economy of Pakistan if this manpower is used to maximize the economy’s potential rather than brining in professionals from overseas countries?

There are a number of factors that instigate emigration of qualified personals to developed economy, the first and foremost is the declining living standards of Pakistan which are explained through the trend in GDP per Capita over the years. Another important contributor for emigration is improvement in education and concentration on higher education that leaves the qualified and skilled manpower with little or at time no opportunities to stay back and serve Pakistan. The instability of Pakistani economy in itself is a big issue; political upheavals and disrupted national fundamentals also play a vital role in this decision.

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