Visualizing Air Quality Index

Visualizing Air Quality Index

This dashboard represents the air quality index of four major cities of Pakistan over a year. The data contains a measure of PM 2.5 which is a major indicator for the air quality index. The data starts on 29 April 2019 and ends on 20 April 2020. The donut chart in this dashboard represents the average mean values for each of the cities. The bar chart indicates mean values for each city in different months. This represents the mean value for PM 2.5 throughout the year so helps us indicate which month is potentially hazardous with respect to Air Quality Index. The line chart indicates the trend for the air quality index throughout the whole year. This helps us point out the trend for each city throughout the year and definitely points out the maximum and minimum value. The gauge chart represents the overall mean value for a whole year. So instead of indicating the mean value of each city like the donut chart, the gauge chart indicates the mean value for the whole timeline.

If we closely look at the line chart the maximum value appears to be in the month of December. If we observe the bar chart for the month of December, it looks like December has the highest mean value. This is a very insightful observation that indicates that during winters, Air Quality Index tends to increase. This might be due to the high burning of fossil fuels during winters. Also in winters, due to fog, the dust particles tend to settle down and agglomerate. That may also be one of the reasons for increased PM 2.5 concentration in winters. Lahore has the highest mean average value. This is because Lahore is the most populous city after Karachi. The reason Karachi is not on the top is because of its geographic location. Karachi is close to the sea therefore sea breezes are common. Due to this high-speed wind, Air Quality Index tends to decrease.