Pakistan Tehsil District Census
This data set lists tehsil and district level population statistics from the 2017 and 1998 censuses.- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-05-21
Brain Drain
The data is for the research question, what are the major contributors towards brain drain in Pakistan? Pakistan has been facing increasing numbers of immigration but the... -
Pakistan's Rivers Flow at different Dams
Pakistan's Rivers Flow at different Dams- CSV
- Last Updated: 2023-04-30
Time use survey January-December 2007
The Time Use Survey takes exhaustive stock of the round the clock activities of the everyday life. It has generated a wealth of data to provide empirical perspective for a wide... -
PSLM District Level Survey 2019-20
This is the Seventh Edition of the District Level Survey which is being conducted under the PSLM project from 2004 to 2015. It provides information at the National/...- Last Updated: 2021-06-19