Pakistani Cities, Towns and Villages with Districts
Pakistani Cities, Towns and Villages with Districts- CSV
- Last Updated: 2023-05-01
Pakistan Temperature
Climate change is affecting the world and Pakistan is no different. This is the first of its kind dataset for average temperature in the country for the last 116 years.- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Property Data for Pakistan
This dataset provides property listing with their prices, area and coordinates for Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad and Karachi -
Pakistan Automobile Industry Data
This database contains monthly automobile sales and production data for the period 2007-2021. -
Pakistan Stock Exchange (KSE 100)
Here is the first dataset of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) for the KSE 100 Index gathered from the archives of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) and Karachi Stock Exchange...- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Pakistan Health Sites
This data set shows the list of operating health facilities in Pakistan. The following attributes are included: Name, Nature of Facility, Activities, Lat and Long. -
Airbnb Listings in Pakistan
Airbnb Listings in Pakistan- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2023-04-04
Sindh Education Statistics
This database contains curated data for district wise information on the number of institutions, teaching staff and enrollment characterized by gender, school type and location.... -
Indicators For Pakistan
It contains data from the World Bank's data portal on Economic, Social, Environmental, Health, Education, Development and Energy indicators of Pakistan. These indicators show...- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
The Heart Failure Prediction, Pakistan
The Heart Failure Prediction, Pakistan- CSV
- Last Updated: 2023-04-30
Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) Curated
Each year's dataset consists of household level files which provide consumption expenditure data in raw format and in curated formats deflated to 2001 prices, by income... -
Pakistan Demographic and Health Data
The DHS Program Application Programming Interface (API) provides software developers access to aggregated indicator data from The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program....- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Air Quality Index May 2019 - April 2020
The data set contains PM 2.5 values for Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar. The daily average values are listed. Source:...- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Determinants and reasons behind low enrollment or school dropouts in rural ar...
This research question provides an empirical assessment of the main determinants of non-enrolment in rural Pakistan by using the latest cross-section household dataset by The... -
Pakistan Drone Attacks, 2004-2017
Dataset: The dataset contains detailed information of 406 drone attacks in Pakistan. Variables: The dataset contains Serial No, Incident Day & Date, Approximate Time of the... -
Criminal Gangs Dataset
This is a specialized pre-processed dataset of the criminal gangs of Punjab that is extracted by reading pdf with our exclusive tool.- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Government Employees by Grade & Gender
This data looks at the number of bureaucrats employed for grade 1 to 22, divided by gender, for Federal (Islamabad), Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, and... -
Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Production, 2013 - 2019
The data set contains production values for 95 large scale manufacturing products along with Interest Rate, Consumer Price Index (used for Inflation) and exchange rates. Time... -
Impact of fertilizer & machinery on major crops in KPK, 2016-2017.
The Impact of fertilizer takeoff, different sources of irrigation and agricultural machinery on major crops in all the districts in KPK in 2016-2017. Description: Fertilizer (in... -
Pakistan Food Prices
This data set contains food prices data for Pakistan. Food prices data is from the World Food Programme and covers foods such as maize, rice, beans, fish, and sugar. Price...- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04