Contains data from the World Bank's data portal. There is also a consolidated country dataset on HDX. Education is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing poverty and inequality and lays a foundation for sustained economic growth. The World Bank compiles data on education inputs, participation, efficiency, and outcomes. Data on education are compiled by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics from official responses to surveys and from reports provided by education authorities in each country. Indicators: Adjusted net enrollment rate, Adjusted net intake rate to Grade 1 of primary education, Adolescents out of school, Adult illiterate population, Adult literacy rate, Barro-Lee, Capital expenditure as % of total expenditure in tertiary public institutions, Children out of school, Compulsory education, Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, Current education expenditure, Current expenditure as % of total expenditure in public institutions, Current expenditure as % of total expenditure in tertiary public institutions, DHS, Drop-out rate from Grade 1 of primary education, Drop-out rate from Grade 2 of primary education, Drop-out rate from Grade 3 of primary education, Drop-out rate from Grade 4 of primary education, Educational attainment, Effective transition rate from primary to lower secondary general education, Enrolment in Grade 1 of lower secondary general education, Enrolment in Grade 1 of primary education, Enrolment in Grade 2 of lower secondary general education, Enrolment in Grade 2 of primary education, Enrolment in Grade 3 of lower secondary general education, Enrolment in Grade 3 of primary education, Enrolment in Grade 4 of primary education, Enrolment in Grade 5 of primary education, Enrolment in lower secondary education, Enrolment in lower secondary general, Enrolment in post-secondary non-tertiary education, Enrolment in pre-primary education, Enrolment in primary education, Enrolment in secondary education, Enrolment in secondary general, Enrolment in secondary vocational, Enrolment in tertiary education, Enrolment in upper secondary education, Enrolment in upper secondary general, Enrolment in upper secondary vocational, Expenditure on education not specified by level as % of government expenditure on education, Expenditure on primary education, Expenditure on secondary education, Expenditure on tertiary education, Government expenditure on education, Government expenditure per student, Graduates from tertiary education, Gross enrolment ratio, Gross graduation ratio from lower secondary education, Gross graduation ratio from primary education, Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, Gross intake ratio to Grade 1 of lower secondary general education, Gross intake ratio to Grade 1 of primary education, Gross outbound enrolment ratio, Inbound mobility rate, Labor force, Literacy rate, Lower secondary completion rate, Lower secondary school starting age, Net enrolment rate, Net intake rate in grade 1, New entrants to Grade 1 of primary education, New entrants to Grade 1 of primary education with early childhood education experience, Official entrance age to compulsory education, Official entrance age to post-secondary non-tertiary education, Official entrance age to pre-primary education, Official entrance age to upper secondary education, Out-of-school adolescents of lower secondary school age, Outbound mobility ratio, Over-age students, Percentage of enrolment in pre-primary education in private institutions, Percentage of enrolment in tertiary education in private institutions, Percentage of female teachers in lower secondary education who are trained, Percentage of graduates from tertiary education who are female, Percentage of male teachers in lower secondary education who are trained, Percentage of new entrants to Grade 1 of primary education with early childhood education experience, Percentage of repeaters in Grade 1 of lower secondary general education, Percentage of repeaters in Grade 1 of primary education, Percentage of repeaters in Grade 2 of lower secondary general education, Percentage of repeaters in Grade 2 of primary education, Percentage of repeaters in Grade 3 of lower secondary general education, Percentage of repeaters in Grade 3 of primary education, Percentage of repeaters in Grade 4 of primary education, Percentage of repeaters in Grade 5 of primary education, Percentage of repeaters in lower secondary general education, Percentage of repeaters in primary education, Percentage of students in post-secondary non-tertiary education who are female, Percentage of students in pre-primary education who are female, Percentage of students in tertiary ISCED 5 programmes who are female, Percentage of students in tertiary ISCED 6 programmes who are female, Percentage of students in tertiary ISCED 7 programmes who are female, Percentage of students in tertiary ISCED 8 programmes who are female, Percentage of students in tertiary education who are female, Percentage of teachers in lower secondary education who are female, Percentage of teachers in lower secondary education who are trained, Percentage of teachers in primary education who are trained, Percentage of teachers in upper secondary education who are female, Persistence to grade 5, Persistence to last grade of primary, Population, Population ages 0-14, Population ages 15-64, Population of the official entrance age to primary education, Preprimary education, Primary completion rate, Primary education, Primary school starting age, Progression to secondary school, Pupil-teacher ratio, Pupil-teacher ratio in lower secondary education, Pupil-teacher ratio in upper secondary education, Rate of out-of-school adolescents of lower secondary school age, Rate of out-of-school children of primary school age, Repeaters, Repeaters in Grade 1 of lower secondary general education, Repeaters in Grade 1 of primary education, Repeaters in Grade 2 of lower secondary general education, Repeaters in Grade 2 of primary education, Repeaters in Grade 3 of lower secondary general education, Repeaters in Grade 3 of primary education, Repeaters in Grade 4 of primary education, Repeaters in Grade 5 of primary education, Repeaters in lower secondary general education, Repeaters in primary education, Repetition rate in Grade 1 of primary education, Repetition rate in Grade 2 of primary education, Repetition rate in Grade 3 of primary education, Repetition rate in Grade 4 of primary education, Repetition rate in Grade 5 of primary education, School age population, School enrollment, School life expectancy, Secondary education, Share of all students in secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes, Share of all students in tertiary education enrolled in ISCED 5, Share of all students in tertiary education enrolled in ISCED 6, Share of all students in tertiary education enrolled in ISCED 7, Share of all students in tertiary education enrolled in ISCED 8, Share of all students in upper secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes, Share of female students in secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes, Share of female students in tertiary education enrolled in ISCED 7, Share of female students in tertiary education enrolled in ISCED 8, Share of male students in secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes, Share of male students in tertiary education enrolled in ISCED 7, Share of male students in tertiary education enrolled in ISCED 8, Survival rate to Grade 4 of primary education, Survival rate to Grade 5 of primary education, Survival rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education, Survival rate to the last grade of primary education, Teachers in lower secondary education, Teachers in primary education, Teachers in secondary general education, Teachers in secondary vocational education, Teachers in tertiary education programmes, Teachers in upper secondary education, Tertiary education, Theoretical duration of lower secondary education, Theoretical duration of post-secondary non-tertiary education, Theoretical duration of pre-primary education, Theoretical duration of upper secondary education, Total inbound internationally mobile students, Total net enrolment rate, Total outbound internationally mobile tertiary students studying abroad, Trained teachers in lower secondary education, Trained teachers in primary education, Unemployment, Youth illiterate population