District Police cannot achieve peace and maintenance of law & order without proper planning. Police order-2002 has made it incumbent upon every District Police Officer to prepare policing plan in consultation with the District Nazim and same may be got approved from the District Public Safety Commission, (DPSC), but now, Nazim and DPSC are not functioning.

The District Police Mianwali has prepared the Policing Plan of District Mianwali for the year 2018-19. This plan contains analysis of crime committed during the year 2017 & 2018, resources available during the year 2017-2018 alongwith requirement. This policing plan also indicates targets to be achieved during the year 2018-2019 alongwith mechanism to achieve these targets.

The total crime in the preceding couple of the years in the district remained under control. The performance of Mianwali Police in terms of providing security to the Moharram processions, prevention of terrorism, arrest of terrorists and other Law & Order situations during the preceding year remained satisfactory.

More efforts will be made in the next year to improve the performance of District Police in all sphere of police working.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author R&D Branch, Punjab
Maintainer Namra Naseem
Last Updated April 4, 2021, 19:44 (UTC)
Created December 7, 2020, 07:28 (UTC)
Publisher Punjab Police
Data Type non-geospatial
Data Source Secondary Research
Organization Type Private organization
Category Public Safety