Food Sample Assessment KPK
This data set provides a list of the total number of food samples taken for inspection and their results in KPK districts during 2016-2019.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Pakistan External Debt
This database contains debt statistics that provide a detailed picture of the external debt of Pakistan to enable us to better understand the financial burden on our economy....- CSV
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 1990-91
The DHS Program Application Programming Interface (API) provides software developers access to aggregated indicator data from The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program.... -
Spending on Roads and Bridges in KPK
This data set provides a list of the total amount spent on M&R (maintenance and repair) of Roads & Bridges in KP Districts during the year 2016 to 2019.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Medical Stores Inspection KPK
This data set provides a list of the total number of medical stores inspected in the reporting month 2016-2019 in KP districts.- XLSX
- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Foreign Investment
This data set contains Pakistan's latest foreign investment statistics such as the portfolio investment assets and inward direct investment collected by State Bank of Pakistan. -
Pakistan Employement Trends 2019 Report
“Pakistan Employment Trends” attempts to provide empirical prelude towards strategizing for “full, productive employment and decent work for all (vide 8th SDG, target 8.5). The...- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
Productive Scientists of Pakistan 2019
Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) is the only organization that maintains a national database of productive scientists of Pakistan. These data organized by...- Last Updated: 2021-04-04
MICS Balochistan 2010
The Balochistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was conducted by the Planning and Development Department, Government of Balochistan in May through September 2010. The...