Production of Cotton in Pakistan 2016-20.csv

From the dataset abstract

Production of Cotton in Pakistan 2016-20

Source: Production of Cotton in Pakistan 2016-20

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Year text
No. of reporting factories numeric
No. of installed Spindles (Thousand) numeric
No. of installed Looms (Thousand) numeric
No. of installed Rotors (Thousand) numeric
No. of worked Spindles (Thousand) numeric
No. of worked Looms (Thousand) numeric
No. of worked Rotors (Thousand) numeric
Spindle hours worked (Mn.No.) numeric
Looms hours worked (Mn.No.) numeric
Rotors hours worked ICMn.No.) numeric
Consum- ption of Raw Cotton lfTonnes) numeric
Total Yarn Produ- ction (Tonnes) numeric
Surplus Yarn (Tonnes) numeric
Total Prod- uction of Cloth(OO0) (SQ.m) numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated May 19, 2023
Metadata last updated May 19, 2023
Created May 19, 2023
Format text/csv
License No License Provided
createdover 1 year ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 1 year ago
on same domainTrue
package ida22d7a05-5438-4672-81c7-8fbfdfd91d4f
revision id77995953-f744-4618-86c5-5206c62e9df9
size810 bytes
url typeupload