Project HistoVault: Histopathology image sets for breast, oral, colorectal and gastric cancers in the local population. With 17,000+ LCLR images at 10X and 40X as well as...
Pakistan faces floods and drought more often than anyone can believe in different parts of the country year after year, and the cycle seems to continue infinitely. This dataset...
Contains data from the World Bank's data portal. There is also a consolidated country dataset on HDX. Education is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing poverty and...
Project HistoVault: Histopathology image sets for breast, oral, colorectal and gastric cancers in the local population. With 17,000+ LCLR images at 10X and 40X as well as...
Open Data Pakistan is brought to you by the National Center for Big Data and Cloud Computing (NCBC), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and Higher Education Commission (HEC). It is a collaborative effort to help provide open data to all kinds of users.